COVID-19 has brought extensive changes to all our lives. Anxiety and depression levels are higher than ever before, and we need tools to handle our emotions and release fears or limiting beliefs.
COVID-19 has also created an unusual situation for our marriages and close love relationships. The circumstances have brought some couples closer together. For others, the close and constant proximity has highlighted differences and accentuated conflicts and doubts. Couples have come to realize the immediate need to work on their relationship and to either work things out or separate in a conscious way, a topic I will address in a separate blog in greater detail.
As a belief change and relationship coach I have been fortunate to shift the in-person work to online sessions, so I am able to serve you virtually as well.
The one question I have been asked repeatedly over the last three months is, “How does this muscle testing you do work online?”
If you have come to see me for a session in person, you know that I will use your arm to muscle test. PSYCH-K® and Shadow Energetics both use applied Kinesiology, also referred to as “muscle testing” or “energy testing”, to communicate with your subconscious mind and check what beliefs you are holding. “PSYCH” stands for “Psyche” and the “K” for Kinesiology. When you say a belief statement but your subconscious does not agree with it, you will experience a comparably weaker muscle response than when you say something that your subconscious deems to be true.
This gives us the feedback that a beneficial belief might need to be balanced. With the next muscle test, I will check whether the statement has the perfect wording. If not, we will change the wording until it is perfect for you. Once the phrasing is right, the third muscle test asks permission to make the change. Muscle testing is also utilized to communicate with what the PSYCH-K® founder Rob Williams calls the “superconscious mind,” or in other words, “the higher self”. With PSYCH-K® and Shadow Energetics, we are never making changes without asking permission. Only when we get feedback from the higher self that the change is “in the highest wisdom and benefit”, or in PSYCH-K® words, “safe and appropriate”, will we proceed. Finally, we have different belief changes processes to choose from to reprogram a belief. The best balancing process will again be determined through energy testing.
In an in-person session, I will determine all this by using your arm. During this time of self isolation and beyond, you can also connect with me from the comfort of your own home. If you are online with me, I will simply do the energy testing for you. With these modalities, it is possible that I stand in for you. We will test belief statements, ask permission, and follow the higher guidance regarding what we need to address first, just like in a regular session, because I can test for you in surrogation.
Some belief change coaches might completely surrogate for you and also do the balances for you, but I prefer to get you as involved as possible. Zoom allows us to see each other, so that I can direct you to do a certain belief change balance at your end. Afterwards, we will muscle test again to make sure the change is complete.
If you are still puzzled about how this all works online, I recommend that you simply give it a try. Those clients of mine who have reached out, have been very satisfied with their online sessions. Feel free to read some of their reviews.
Before booking a session, you will get the opportunity to have a free 20-minute phone consultation. You can ask all your questions and we can determine if we are a good fit as coach and client.
You can contact Awakening Health for individual coaching sessions or couples’ sessions.
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